Flying order for this Weekend + Weather

…..And we will be 41 pilots for a list of 40…..

Last minute participation of our buddies from Spain, could not refuse their participation as it has been a while we haven’t seen them.


below the flying order for this weekend. First pilot will be randomly picked on site.


Order Pilot
1 33   Vladimir Urban
2 45   Antek Kania
3 17   Siegfried Schedel
4 9   Miroslav Trsek
5 36   Rick Ruijsink
6 40   Stefan Fraundorfer
7 49   Robert Matthes
8 3   Rosemann Eberhard
9 2   Philippe Lanes
10 19   Tomas Winkler
11 54   Iñaki Elizondo
12 47   Thierry Platon
13 42   Armin Hortzitz
14 15   Arne Finkeldey
15 44   Bogusław Gryszko
16 37   Thomas Faure
17 18   Martin Kopp
18 51   Wolfgang Ebinger
19 1   Allan Cohen
20 32   Daniel Vltavský
21 8   Stefan Bernardy
22 48   Maximilian Steidle
23 21   Matthieu Mervelet
24 13   Martin Ulrich
25 53   Bernardo GOMEZ-MAYAN LOPEZ
26 52   Jacek Kurlenda
27 31   Martial FAURE
28 6   Pierre Rondel
29 41   Alfred SALMHOFER
30 39   Espen Torp
31 26   Johann Eckart
32 14   Tobias Reik
33 38   Stephane RICCOBONO
34 5   Julien Honor
35 20   krebs michael
36 16   Thorsten Folkers
37 4   Peter Würmli
38 50   Bjørn Andersen
39 7   Sebastien Lanes
40 43   Jerzy Mataczyno


Regarding weather, it was fairly pessimistic last week for friday but was better for the weekend, and now we can see some great forecast (wind speed is down the valley, much more on the slope).
